学术报告:Log Management: From Log Learning, Log Parsing, to Anomaly Detection

     主    讲:吕荣聪 香港中文大学教授、jbo竞博电竞官方网站数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站客座教授、ACM/ AAAS/ IEEE Fellow、长江学者讲座教授

     日    期:2017年3月17日 (星期五)

     时    间:上午 10:30 – 11:30

     地    点:jbo竞博电竞官方网站东校园数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A201

     主    持:余阳教授


Modern software systems produce a large quantity of logs, which are valuable runtime data during software operation. In this talk, I will discuss techniques for automatic log management, including log learning, log parsing and anomaly detection, for the purpose of software reliability engineering. Log learning is conducted at the system development time, where we propose a "learning to log" framework to help developers make informed logging decisions during development. The "learning to log" framework is able to automatically learn the common logging practices from existing code repositories and provide actionable suggestions to developers. While systems are under operation, logs will be massively generated and collected.  The collected logs can be viewed as unstructured text, which includes free-text descriptions of system behaviors and parameters of system states. Log parsing is therefore employed to transform the unstructured logs into structured events. Subsequently, anomaly detection techniques can be conducted, which take these structured events as input and construct anomaly detection models. When a sequence of log events occurs, the anomaly detection models can predict whether the corresponding system behavior is anomalous or not. Methodologies in these log management techniques will be introduced, and experimental results will be demonstrated and elaborated in this talk.


      吕荣聪博士,香港中文大学教授、jbo竞博电竞官方网站数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站客座教授、ACM Fellow、AAAS Fellow、IEEE Fellow、HKIE Fellow、长江学者讲座教授。吕荣聪教授一直从事软件可靠性工程、软件容错技术、服务计算、分布式系统等方面的研究。吕荣聪教授编撰了两本有长远影响力的学术书籍:《Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering》被誉为业界杰出的软件可靠性书籍,并被翻译成中文版《软件可靠性工程手册》,成为香港中文大学工程学院引用数最多的出版物之一;另一本著作《Software Fault Tolerance》是容错计算领域四本里程碑式出版物之一。吕荣聪教授一共出版学术专著7本,发表超过500篇SCI/EI索引之学术论文(其中有近100篇为SCI索引)并数次获得重要国际学术会议的最佳论文奖。论文被引用次数超过23000次,H指数为76。吕教授一直活跃在软件可靠性工程及服务计算学术领域,多次牵头组织和参与组织软件可靠性及服务计算的主要国际学术会议(比如国际可信系统与网络学术会议DSN,国际软件可靠性工程大会ISSRE等),并多次担任大会主席和学术委员会主席。吕荣聪在2008年获得裘槎基金会(Croucher Foundation)优秀科研者奖;2011年1月受颁IEEE Reliability Society之2010年度可靠性工程师奖,是IEEE可靠性分会的最高荣誉奖。