学术报告:Resolving Distributed Knowledge

题目:Resolving Distributed Knowledge

主讲:Thomas Ågotnes教授, 挪威卑尔根大学

时间:2017 年3 月20日 (周一)下午 4:30 – 5:30


主持:刘咏梅 教授


The standard notion of distributed knowledge is sometimes described as what the members of the group would know of they "pool their knowledge together". This is inaccurate at best: for example, it is consistent that a group has distributed knowledge of a Moore sentence involving one of the members of the group (a sentence which cannot be known by that member, no matter how much "pooling" has taken place). In the talk I discuss a new group modality that actually captures what is true after the group have fully shared their information with each other -- after their distributed knowledge has been resolved. A key issue is the relationship between pooling and sharing: when does distributed knowledge become common knowledge? The talk is based on joint work with Yì N. Wáng.


Thomas Ågotnes is a Professor of Information Science and head of the Logic, Information and Interaction research group at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. He holds a PhD in Informatics from the same university. Hi is also a Visiting Professor at the Center for the Study of Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University, China. His main research interests include modal logics for reasoning about interaction, other formal models of interaction, and applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems.