报告题目:Immersed Finite Element Particle-In-Cell methods for Plasma simulation
主讲:Dr Xu Zhuang
日期:2017 年6 月6日 (周二)
时间:上午10:30 – 11:30
主持:邹青松 教授
Modelling multi-physics simulations with partial differential equations often leads to the so-called interface problems. Conventional finite elements methods can solve interface problems satisfactorily if the mesh is aligned with material interfaces; otherwise the convergence could be impaired. Alternatively, immersed finite element methods can useinterface-independent meshes for interface problems. Therefore, more structured meshes, such as Cartesian meshes, can often be used for problems with non-trivial interface geometry.
In this talk, we will introduce the basic ideas of immersed finite element methods. Then we will presentsome recent advances in developingmore accurate immersed finite elementschemes. Mathematical convergence theoriesandsome numerical experiments will be presented. Finally, we will incorporate the immersed finite element with particle-in-cell method for some plasma simulations.
Dr. Xu Zhang is currently an assistant professor of mathematics at Mississippi State University. Dr. Zhang received his Bachelor (2005) and Master degrees (2008) in computational mathematics from Sichuan University. He received the Ph.D. in mathematics from Virginia Tech in 2013. Before joining MSU, Dr. Zhang worked at Purdue University during 2013-2016 as a Golomb visiting assistant professor.
Dr. Zhang’s research interests are in scientific computing and numerical analysis. He specializes in numerical methods for partial differential equations. Recently his research focuses on immersed finite element methods for interface problems: algorithm development, implementation, error analysis, and applications.