学术报告:Numerical Approach for Modelling Across Scales Infusion-Based Processing of Aircraft Primary Structure

报告题目:Numerical Approach for Modelling Across Scales Infusion-Based Processing of Aircraft Primary Structure

主讲:Julien BRUCHON 教授,Nicolas MOULIN教授

日期:2017年11月8日 (星期三)

时间:上午 9:00 – 10:00  


主持:刘玉洁 副研究员


Infusion-based processes are promising routes for the production of primary composite structures. However, manufacturing such structures for aeronautics is still a challenge which requires to fill-in further gaps in terms of quality (1% max void content). As a response, a new unidirectional dry carbon reinforcement has been designed which combines the benefits of automation, out-of-autoclave process cost-effectiveness and mechanical performances. Developments for setting robust numerical and experimental modeling of the underlying hydro-poro-mechanical phenomena are still required. In the last years a numerical framework has been developed to model these processes, along with dedicated experimental means to follow the most representative parameters. The bottle neck in modeling properly these processes lays in various multiphysics phenomena combined across scales, namely the thermo-reactive resin flow into
highly deformable orthotropic preforms undergoing finite strains. The aim of the present work is to model, at local scales, the flows in the fibrous network of preforms where wettability issues are assumed to play a key role. First, at the fibre scale, the resin flow in impervious fibre systems will be characterized and modeled. Then, flows inside and around fibre tows, containing thousands of individual fibres, will be studied relying on some specific stabilized and enrichment numerical methods able to deal with coupled Stokes-Darcy flows in low permeability orthotropic media. Capillary and viscous dominated flows competing at this scale will be used to scale-up ‘rules’ for flows at the process scale because numerical simulations at local scales seem to be unrealistic in an industrial context. The ultimate goal is to yield a robust numerical modeling of infusion-based processes at the scale of the preforms in order to understand and hence control filling stages.


Julien BRUCHON is Professor at École des Mines de Saint-Étienne in the Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (EMSE-SMS) laboratory. His research area is the modeling and the numerical simulation of manufacturing processes at macro-, meso- and micro-scales. More specifically, his contribution is on the coupling of different physical domains, through moving interfaces, and by monolithic approaches. 

Nicolas MOULIN is Associate Professor at École des Mines de Saint-Étienne in the Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (EMSE-SMS) associated to LGF-UMR5307 laboratory. He works on numerical simulation of multi-physical problems. He will provide his expertise in numerical simulation and computational techniques of multi-phase flows in the context of surface tension, capillarity and wetting/de-wetting phenomena.