题目:Cryptographic Strength of Cryptocurrencies against Quantum Computers
主讲人:KAIST(韩国先进科学技术研究所), Professor Kwangjo Kim
时间:上午09:00am - 10:30am
地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A101
主持:张方国 教授
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto proposed an innovative idea to construct a cryptocurrency so called- Bitcoin by using cryptographic hash functions, elliptic curve digital signatures, and consensus algorithm over P2P distributed network. After its birth, thousands of cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Ripple, etc are widely announced around the world.
However, The exponential advancement of quantum computers jeopardizes the practical security of most cryptocurrencies whose security is based on the attack against the classical adversary.
In this talk, we raise the security issues of most cryptocurrencies if the quantum computers become available in the near future to break the current cryptographic primitives using Shor and Glover algorithms and introduce the NIST activities for Post Quantum Cryptography standard by soliciting the candidate cryptographic primitives for signatures, encryption and key-establishment over the world.
Kwangjo Kim is a professor of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), Korean representative to IFIP-TC11 and fellow of IACR. He has been an active researcher in cryptology and information security since 1983 in Korea and attended Crypto1984 at his first time. He received his Ph.D. in Japan.Before moving to the University, he has been involved and led to develop secure systems including Korean standard of block cipher, SEED published as ISO/IEC 18033-3, in the government-sponsored research institute as a section head in Korea for about 15 years till 1997. He received Minister of National Intelligence Service Award in 2009 and International Academic Contribution by President of KIISC Award in 2016. What’s more, he has published hundreds of papers in the international important academic journals and academic conference and published several monographs.As a senior faculty member of GSIS in KAIST, he is now leading the creative education and innovative research of cryptology and cyber security.