学术报告:A Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior Analysis of Large-Scale Mobile Shopping Data

题目:A Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior Analysis of Large-Scale Mobile Shopping Data

主讲人: 傅晓明 (德国哥廷根大学、教授)


时间:上午10:30 - 12:00

地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A101

主持:陈旭 教授

摘要:The proliferation of mobile devices especially smart phones brings remarkable opportunities for both industry and academia. In particular, the massive data generated from users» usage logs provide the possibilities for stakeholders to know better about consumer behaviors with the aid of data mining. In this paper, we examine the consumer behaviors across multiple platforms based on a large-scale mobile Internet dataset from a major telecom operator, which covers 9.8 million users from two regions among which 1.4 million users have visited e-commerce platforms within one week of our study. We make several interesting observations and examine users» cultural differences from different regions. Our analysis shows among the multiple e-commerce platforms available, most mobile users are loyal to their favorable sites; people (60%) tend to make quick decisions to buy something online, which usually takes less than half an hour. Furthermore, we find that people in residential areas are much easier to perform purchases than in business districts and purchases take place during non-work time. Meanwhile, people with medium socioeconomic status like browsing and purchasing on e-commerce platforms, while people with high and low socioeconomic status are much easier to conduct purchases online. We also show the predictability of cross-platform shopping behaviors with extensive experiments on the basis of our observed data. Our findings could be a good guide for e-commerce future strategy making.

个人介绍:Prof. Xiaoming Fu is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen and leading the Computer Networks (NET) Research Group. I received my bachelor (1994) and master (with distinction, 1997) degrees from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, and my Ph.D. (2000) degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Prior to joining Goettingen, he worked with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adam Wolisz as a member of scientific staff at the Telecommunications Networks (TKN) group, Technical University Berlin  until September 2002. Between 2003 and 2005 he also served in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) as an Expert in Specialist Task Forces in Internet Protocol (Version 6) Testing. He was/am a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (host: Prof. Jon Crowcroft) in 2005 and 2007, a DAAD visiting professor at Columbia University (host: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne) in 2008 and 2009, a Fulbright Scholar Visiting Professor at UCLA (hosts: Prof. Lixia Zhang and Prof. Mario Gerla) in academic year 2009/2010, and a ChangJiang Scholar Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University during 2010-2013. During 2010-2012 he served as Vice Chair of the Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), and during 2011-2013 as Chair of the Internet Technical Committee of the IEEE ComSoc and Internet Society (ISOC). He is an IEEE senior member and an IEEE distinguished lecturer, a member of ACM, a Fellow of IET, and a member of GI.