主讲人:Nei Kato(日本东北大学教授、日本工程院院士)
时间:下午2:30 - 3:30
地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A201
Recently, the emerging communication technologies and diversified Internet services have made the networks much more complex. Extensive research has illustrated that enabling the network intelligence through the machine learning techniques is an efficient method to address the complex scenarios and reduce manual intervention in management. Among the existing research, deep learning has been widely studied to improve heterogeneous network traffic control which is an important and challenging area. To address the growing traffic demand, we have conducted some pioneering research works in network routing and resource allocation. Series of encouraging results have been achieved in terms of network throughput, average delay, and packet loss rate. In this talk, I will introduce our proposed ideas and focus on the three problems: how to characterize the input and output, how to choose the training manner considering the traffic patterns, and how to construct efficient deep learning architectures. Also, preliminary results will be discussed and I will demonstrate the significant improvement of traffic control for different network scenarios. In addition, can a new intelligent traffic control system be designed for highly dynamic networks, and can self-adjust its own parameters to match the network changes? What can we do to make the deep learning based research more meaningful and practical? I will discuss these issues according to our experience and look toward the future.
Nei Kato是日本东北大学信息科学研究生院(GSIS)的全职教授(副院长),也是日本东北大学电气通信研究组织(ROEC)的主任。主要从事计算机网络、无线移动通信、卫星通信、ad hoc & 传感器 & mesh网络、无人机网络、智能电网、人工智能、物联网、大数据和模式识别等方面的研究,在国内外知名期刊和会议上发表了400多篇论文。是IEEE 通信学会副主席(Member & Global Activities) (2018-2019), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(2017-)主编以及 IEEE通信学会仙台分会主席。并曾担任IEEE Network Magazine(2015-2017)主编,IEEE Communications Society(2014-2016) 董事会成员, IEEE Computer Society(2016) 同行委员会副主席和 IEEE Communications Society Award (2015-2017)委员会成员。 还担任过卫星和空间通信技术委员会(2010-2012) 和IEEE通信学会 Ad Hoc & Sensor网络技术委员会(2014-2015)主席。他的奖项包括Minoru Ishida国际基金会研究鼓励奖 (2003), IEEE通信学会、卫星和空间通信技术委员颁发的卫星通信杰出贡献奖(2005), FUNAI信息科学奖(2007)和电子通信传播基金会颁发的电信系统技术奖(2008),IEICE网络系统研究奖(2009),IEICE卫星通信研究奖(2011), KDDI基金会优秀研究奖 (2012), IEICE交通学会杰出服务奖 (2012), IEICE通信社会最佳论文奖(2012),日本内政和交通部颁发的抗灾网络杰出贡献奖(2014),IEEE 通信学会 Ad Hoc & Sensor 网络技术学会颁发的杰出服务及领袖奖(2016),日本内政和通信部颁发的无线电成就奖 (2016), IEEE交通学会亚太区杰出论文奖(2017),日本教育、文化、体育、科学技术大臣科学技术奖(2018),日本内政交通部东北电信局奖(2018), IEEE通信学会绿色通信和计算技术委员会杰出技术成就奖(2019)以及IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM/WCNC/VTC最佳论文奖。 Nei Kato是IEEE通信学会和车辆技术学会的杰出讲师,日本工程院院士,IEEE fellow和IEICE fellow。