学术报告:Collaborative Distributed Systems: Spanning from the Edge to the Cloud

题目:Collaborative Distributed Systems: Spanning from the Edge to the Cloud

主讲人:Young Choon Lee  麦考瑞大学 高级讲师


时间:上午10:00 - 11:00

地点:超算 507会议室

主持:吴迪 教授


Servers, whether they are in a private (cloud) data centre or in a public cloud (e.g., Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform), are typical computing resources for distributed systems. In the meantime, edge computing devices, such as smartphones, smart watches and dash cams are becoming a new breed of distributed computing resources with the power of ubiquity. Edge devices often serve as the low-latency computing platform for Internet of Things (IoT). Collaborative Distributed Computing is an emerging computing paradigm that leverages the seamless access to heterogeneous resources across edge computing platforms and clouds, for scalable low-latency distributed computing. In this research, we aim to develop a cross-platform resource management framework that leverages collaborative distributed computing. The efficient use of any computing systems heavily depends on their resource management techniques. Collaborative distributed systems are no exception. In this talk, I will discuss resource management techniques for collaborative distributed systems and present a set of novel resource sharing techniques and scheduling algorithms to achieve our aim.



Young Choon Lee is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He received his Bachelor of Science (with honour) and PhD from The University of Sydney, Australia, 2004 and 2008, respectively. His research interests include distributed systems and high performance computing.