

联系邮箱: mcszqs@mail.sysu.edu.cn

联系地址: A219

个人主页: http://www.zouqingsong.com/






(一)计算数学:偏微分方程数值解法(Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations)

 1. 有限体积法(High Order Finite Volume Schemes for Diffusion Equations, Hyperbolic Equations , Navier-Stokes Equations and CFD, Interface Problems).

 2. 自适应快速算法(Adaptive Methods for Obstacle/Contact Problems and other free-boundary problems ).

 3. 期权定价问题快速算法 Fast Numerical Methods for Option Pricing.

 4. 新有限差分-有限元结合方法。

(二)人工智能(AI): 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)

1. RL for Game Strategy Theory/Algorithms and Others

2. RL for image processing 

3. DL for financial problems

4. DL for partial differential equations


Sep. 1989–Jul. 1993   Wuhan University, China, Bachelor
Sep. 1993–Jul. 1995   Wuhan University, China, Master
Sep. 1995–Jul. 1996   Universit´e de Rennes 1, Rennes, France, DEA
Sep. 1997–Jul. 2000   Wuhan University, China, Ph.D


Sep. 1996–Feb. 1997   INRIA, Rennes, France
Jun. 2000–Dec. 2001    Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing, China
Jan. 2002–Jun. 2003    West Viginia Univeristy, WV, USA
Aug. 2003–Dec.2012    Sun Yat-sen University , Guangzhou, Associate Professor

Jan. 2013--Present       Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Full Professor


Sep.  1995–Jul. 1996   Universit´e de Rennes 1, Rennes, France, DEA

Sep. 1996--Feb. 1997   INRIA, Rennes, France,Visiting Scholar
Jan. 2002--Jun. 2003    West Viginia Univeristy, WV, USA, Post-doc
Sep. 2005--Dec. 2005   Penn State Univeristy, Pennsylvania, USA,Visiting Scholar
Jan. 2006--Feb. 2006    Syracuse Univeristy, New York, USA,Visiting Scholar 
Sep. 2007--Apr. 2009    Freie Universitat Berlin,Berlin, Germany,Alexander von Humboldt Fellow

Mar. 2015--Apr. 2016    Wayne State Univeristy, Detroit, Visting Scholar


(Selecting Fundings)

1.双曲方程谱有限体积法理论及其应用, 国自然面上(2020-2023)

2. 高次有限体积法构造,理论分析及其应用, 国自然面上 (2016-2019)

3. 若干非线性问题的自适应算法,国自然面上(2013-2016)

4. 若干不连续不光滑非线性问题的数值模拟,广东省自然重点(2017-2020) 

5. 基于分子动力学的血栓形成机理的数值模拟 ,重点研发子课题(2016-2020)


1. International  Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Associate Editor

2. 广东省计算数学学会理事长,法人


1.  数学分析 I,II,III

2.  数值计算方法

3.  偏微分方程数值方法

4.  数学物理方程

5. 矩阵分析

6. 自适应方法




【13】Guo Li, Li Hengguang, and Zou Qingsong*, Interior estimates for finite volume methods over quadrilateral meshes for elliptic equations,

           Siam J. Numer. Anal.  57(5),  2246–2265 ,2019

【12】Liu Yujie, Wang Junping, and Zou Qingsong*, A conservative flux optimization finite element method for convection-diffusion equations,

           Siam J. Numer. Anal.  57(3),  1238–1262 ,2019

【11】He, Wenming; Zhang, Zhimin; Zou, Qingsong*. Maximum-norms error estimates for high-order finite volume schemes over quadrilateral meshes.

           Numer. Math. 138(2): 473-500 , 2018

【10】Zou, Qingsong*; Guo, Li; Deng Quanling.   High Order Continuous Local-Conserving Fluxes and Finite-Volume-Like Finite Element Solutions for Elliptic Equations.

          SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 55(6): 2666-2686

【9】He, Wen-ming; Zhang, Zhimin; Zou, Qingsong*.   Ultraconvergence of high order FEMs for elliptic problems with variable coefficients. 

          Numer. Math. 136(1): 215-248

【8】Lin, Yanping; Yang, Min; Zou, Qingsong*.  L2 error estimates for a class of any order finite volume schemes over quadrilateral meshes. 

         SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 53(4): 2030-2050,2015

【7】Zhang, Zhimin; Zou, Qingsong*. Vertex-centered finite volume schemes of any order over quadrilateral meshes for elliptic boundary value problems. 

          Numer. Math. 130(2): 363-393, 2015

【6】 Cao, Waixiang; Zhang, Zhimin; Zou, Qingsong*.  Is 2k-conjecture valid for finite volume methods? 

         SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 53(2): 942-962. 

【5】 Cao, Waixiang; Zhang, Zhimin; Zou, Qingsong*. Superconvergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear hyperbolic equations. 

         SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52(5):2555-2573,2014

【4】Li, Yonghai; Shu, Shi; Xu, Yuesheng; Zou, Qingsong*.  Multilevel preconditioning for the finite volume method. 

       Math. Comp. 81(279): 1399-1428,2012

【3】 Qingsong Zou, Andreas Veeser, Ralf Kornhuber* and Carsten Graser,   Hierarchical error estimates for the energy functional in obstacle problems. 

       Numer. Math..  117, 653-677, 2011.
【2】 Ralf  Kornhuber* and Qingsong  Zou, Efficient and Reliable Hierarchical Error  Estimates for the Discretization Error of Elliptic Obstacle Problems, Math. Comp., 80, 69-80, 2011.
【1】 Jinchao Xu and Qingsong Zou*, Analysis of linear and quadratic simplicial finite   volume methods for elliptic equations,  Numer. Math.,111,469- 492,2009.