报告题目:Introducing DPU - Data-storage Processing Unit –Placing Intelligence in Storage
主讲:Prof. Qing Yang
日期:2017 年6 月17日 (周六)
主持:肖侬 教授
Abstract: —Cloud computing and big data applications require data storage systems that deliver high performance reliably and securely. The central piece, the brain, of a storage system is the central controller that manages the storage. However, all existing storage controllers have their limitations. As the data become larger, more storage technologies emerge, and applications spread wider, the existing controllers cannot keep pace with the rapid growth of big data. We introduce and are currently building a storage controller with built in intelligence, referred to as DPU for Data-storage Processing Unit, to manage, control, analyze, and classify big data at the place where they are stored. The idea is to place sufficient intelligence closest to the storage devices that are experiencing revolutionary changes with the emergence of storage class memories such as flash, PCM, MRAM, Memristor and so forth. Machine learning logics are a major part of DPU that learns I/O behaviors inside the storage to optimize performance, reliability, and availability. Advanced security techniques are implemented inside a storage device. Deep learning techniques train and analyze big data inside a storage device and reinforcement learning optimizes storage hierarchy. Parallel and pipelining techniques are utilized to process stored data exploiting the inherent parallelism inside SSD. Our preliminary experimental data showed promising results that could potentially change the landscape of storage market.
杨庆,美国罗德岛大学讲席教授,IEEE Fellow,从事计算机体系结构和数据存储方面的研究20多年,发表论文120多篇,拥有20多项授权专利,基于其研究成果,他创立了四家高科技企业,最近的一家:VeloBit,以最新的闪存固态硬盘体系结构而闻名,被西部数据高价收购。他作为主席主持过多次计算机结构方面的国际会议包括ISCA2011,曾任IEEE计算机体系结构分会会员主席,IEEE杰出演讲者,IEEE Transaction编委。八次获得杰出教授奖。杨庆培养的很多博士生在美国著名大学任教、或在高科技公司工作包括Intel Fellow等等。