题目:On Removing Routing Protocol from Future Wireless Networks: A Real-time Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Traffic Control
主讲人:Nei Kato教授 日本工程院院士
日期:2019年 1月 2日(星期三)
时间:上午10:00 - 11:00
地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A101
主持:郑子彬 教授
摘要:The application of deep learning to improve heterogeneous network traffic control which is an important and challenging area for IoT by its own merit has yet to appear because of the difficult challenge in characterizing the appropriate input and output patterns for a deep learning system to correctly reflect the highly dynamic nature of large-scale heterogeneous networks. In this talk, an appropriate input and output characterizations of heterogeneous network traffic will be introduced and a supervised deep neural network system will be proposed. The speaker will describe how our proposed system works and how it differs from traditional neural networks.
个人介绍:Nei Kato教授,日本东北大学信息科学研究生院(GSIS) 副院长,电气通信研究所所长。日本工程院院士,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 总编,IEEE Communications Society 副主席,IEEE fellow。研究领域包括计算机网络、无线移动通信、卫星通信、 ad-hoc通信&传感器&网状网络、智能电网、人工智能、物联网、大数据、模式识别等。在相关领域发表 400多篇高水平期刊及会议论文。