题目:Data-Driven Cyber Security
主讲人:Yang Xiang (Professor, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
时间:下午2:00 - 3:00
地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A202
主持:张方国 教授
摘要:Cyber security has become one of the top priorities in the research and development agenda globally today. At the same time, data is more prevalent and pertinent than ever before. Cyberspace generates 2.5 quintillion (1018) bytes of data per day. Threat data is no exception: with continuously growing cybercriminal activities contributing to its abundance. New and innovative cyber security technologies that can effectively address this pressing danger are critically needed.
Data-driven approaches to solve security problems have been increasingly adopted by the cybersecurity research community. They have two areas of focus: detection and prediction of security events. Early research focuses primarily on detection of various kinds of security events, such as cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities, and data breaches. More recently, there have been efforts to predict or forecast cyber security events, such as predicting attackers’ next move, estimating attacks’ ultimate goal, intrusion prediction, and security situation forecasting. Data and its analytic methods are the key tools to underpin all of these activities.
New methods and tools, consequently, must follow up in order to adapt to this emerging security paradigm. In this talk, we will discuss the concept of Data-Driven Cyber Security and how the data-driven methodology can be used to address the security and privacy problems in cyberspace. Addressing the challenges will allow us to deliver solutions that can safeguard one of the central and critically important aspects of all of our lives from attacks that are real, ongoing and damaging. A few cases on software vulnerability discovery by machine learning, malicious network traffic detection, and social network data analytics will be presented.
个人介绍:Prof Yang Xiang received his PhD in Computer Science from Deakin University, Australia. He is currently the Dean of the Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. His research interests include cyber security, which covers network and system security, data analytics, distributed systems, and networking. In the past 20 years, he has been leading the team developing active defense systems against large-scale distributed network attacks. His translational research has made significant impact to the real-world applications, such as data-driven cyber security applications, malware applications, cloud and IoT security applications, and blockchain applications. His research was funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and industry partners. He has published more than 200 research papers in many international journals and conferences, such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Security and Forensics, and IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. He is the foundation Editor-in-Chief of the SpringerBriefs on Cyber Security Systems and Networks. He is the co-founder and the steering committee chair of the NSS, ICA3PP, CSS, SocialSec conference series. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and has served as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and the Editor of Journal of Network and Computer Applications. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.