学术报告:Cryptography and the “Cyber Security Ecosystem”

题目:Cryptography and the “Cyber Security Ecosystem”

主讲人:Liqun Chen (Professor, Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, the UK)


时间:上午10:00 - 12:00

地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A202

主持:张方国 教授


摘要:The cyber security ecosystem includes a wide range of interactions and an arms race between cyber attackers and defenders. Modern cryptographic research is part of this ecosystem and contributes to both sides; identifying weaknesses in current algorithms and developing new ones. As a cryptographic engine, the trusted platform module (TPM) has been developed in this ecosystem. If, as predicted, a large-scale quantum computer becomes a reality in the near future, existing public-key algorithms, supported by the TPM, will be open to attack. In the EU H2020 project FutureTPM, we aim to design a Quantum-Resistant (QR) TPM by designing and developing QR algorithms suitable for inclusion in a TPM. The algorithm design will be accompanied with implementation and performance evaluation, as well as formal security analysis. The new algorithms will be further validated through application use cases. In this talk, we will use TPM development as an example to discuss the relationship between cryptography and the cyber security ecosystem.

个人介绍:Liqun Chen is a Professor in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, the UK. Prior to joining Surrey in 2016, she was a principal research scientist at Hewlett Packard Laboratories in Bristol. During her 19 years working for the company, she has obtained 64 granted US patents with 35 further applications pending, many of which are about the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). She designed a number of the cryptographic algorithms used in the Trusted Platform Mod­ule and also developed several cryptographic schemes adopted by ISO/IEC and IEEE. She has an extensive publication record; her co-authored paper, describing direct anonymous attestation, was given a test of time award at ACMCCS 2014. She is the technical leader in the EU H2020 project FutureTPM, which aims to develop a post-quantum TPM.