学术报告:Attack and Defense of Trusted Execution Environment

题目:Attack and Defense of Trusted Execution Environment

主讲人:Ning Zhang(Assistant Professor, Washington University)


时间:上午10:30 - 12:00

地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A201

主持:陈旭 教授

摘要:Securing highly complex networked computing systems is a challenging task. Despite significant efforts from academia, industry and government, new vulnerabilities continue to be discovered every day. As computing systems become more integrated with the society, there is a pressing need for fundamental methods to tackle the challenge.

In this talk, I will describe my research efforts to build trustworthy computing systems. A high-level introduction of current landscape of cyber security and the general principles of secure system will be presented first, followed by the key challenges and opportunities in trusted computing. I will then detail my work on realizing trusted execution environment that can defend against advanced attackers capable of launching both software attack and cold boot attack using commodity embedded devices. These efforts lead to not only the design and implementation of a cache-assisted secure execution system on ARM processor, but also insights into fundamental limitations of these security mechanisms. By addressing these key challenges, my work paves the way for the further proliferation of trusted execution environments for mission-critical applications. To conclude the talk, I will briefly present my research vision for computer security in the future.

个人介绍:Dr. Ning Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Washington University in St. Louis. Before joining academia, he has more than ten years of experience leading cyber security research and development in the industry. Ning's research focus is system security, which lies at the intersection of security, embedded system, computer architecture and artificial intelligence. Ning received his Ph.D. degree from the Complex Networks and Security Research Lab at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2016. Ning received his M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Computer Science, Economics and Mathematics from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.