学术报告:Grain Boundaries: Structure, Energetics, and Dynamics

题目:Grain Boundaries: Structure, Energetics, and Dynamics

主讲人:David J. Srolovitz(香港城市大学 客座教授 美国工程院院士)


时间:上午10:00 - 11:00

地点:国家超级计算广州中心1楼会议室 101

主持:杜云飞 教授


摘要:Grain boundaries ( are the 2 D interfaces between crystals of the same material with different orientations Grain boundary behavior can be complex since their structure and properties depend on the relative orientation of the two crystals/grains and the inclination of the GB plane altogether a 5 dimensional space In this talk, Prof Srolovitz will particularly discuss the thermal roughening of GBs, the migration of GBs, GB shear coupling, and how GBs interact with applied stresses and compare these predictions with both molecular dynamics and experimental results.


个人介绍:David Srolovitz is the author of 500 papers on topics in materials theory and simulations ranging from defects to microstructure evolution, deformation, 2 D materials, and film growth and has an h index of 89 with more than 30 000 literature citations He is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of MRS, TMS, ASM, Institute of Physics and is the winner of the 2013 MRS Materials Theory Award He is currently a Chair Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and Senior Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study.