庆祝jbo竞博电竞官方网站计算机科学系成立40周年系列讲座:Deep Learning for Large-scale Histopathology Image Analysis

题目:Deep Learning for Large-scale Histopathology Image Analysis



时间:上午9:50 - 10:30

地点:数据科学与jbo竞博电竞官方网站 A101

主持:王瑞轩 副教授


Deep learning represents data with multiple levels of abstraction and has dramatically improved the state-of-the-art in many domains including speech recognition, visual object recognition and natural language processing. Despite its breakthroughs in above domains, its application to large-scale and high-throughout histology image analysis remains to be under-explored. This talk will share our recent studies on developing state-of-the-art deep learning methods including ScanNet, and weakly multi-instance supervised learning for fast and accurate large-scale histology image analysis, with an in-depth dive into several cancer applications.


视见科技创始人兼CEO,在香港中文大学取得博士学位并获得香港政府博士特殊津贴,本科毕业于北京航空航天大学并获得金质奖章。研究兴趣包括医学影像计算,机器学习(深度学习), 计算机视觉等。发表五十多篇顶级会议和期刊论文,包括CVPR, IPMI, MICCAI, AAAI, IJCAI,MIA, IEEE-TMI, NeuroImage, JAMA, Radiology等。担任包括NIPS, MICCAI, IEEE-TMI, MIA, NeuroImage等国际顶尖会议和期刊审稿人。三维全卷积神经网络相关论文获得2016 MIAR最佳论文奖和2017 Med-MICCAI最佳论文奖。2014年以来,带领团队在十七项国际性医学影像分析和识别挑战赛中获得冠军。2017年创立视见科技,获得过亿元人民币融资,推动人工智能医疗多款产品落地应用。2018年获得福布斯40 under 40奖项。