曾就读于中国科学技术大学,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,美国雪城大学。博士毕业后在美国密西根大学从事乳腺癌医学成像的研究。曾任密西根大学医学院Postdoctoral Research Fellow和Research Investigator。
现为华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室PI、广东省高性能计算学会理事长、广东省医疗行业协会超声医学创新与发展管理分会副主任委员、广东省医师协会人工智能临床应用专委会副主任委员、中国图形图像学会医学影像专委会委员、中国生物医学工程学会医学人工智能学会委员。长期从事医学影像分析、医学大数据分析和机器学习领域的研究工作。主持过世界著名的乳腺癌基金会Susan Komen基金会研究基金、国家自然科学基金天元基金重点项目、科技部重点研发国际合作重点项目、科技部重点研发课题、广东省前沿与关键技术创新重大专项基金、教育部重大科技基础培育计划课题等,教育部学位中心研究生教育主题案例项目首席专家,以第一完成人获得广东省科技进步二等奖,参与制定一项人工智能国际组织标准和三项人工智能医疗器械国内行业标准,发表学术论文100余篇,转让发明专利六项。
8/2005-5/2009 美国雪城大学数学系,博士
Co-advisor:Andrzej Krol,纽约州立大学上州医学院,(SUNY Upstate Medical University)放射学系
9/2000-7/2005 中国科学院数学研究所,博士,advisor:许跃生
9/1995-7/2000 中国科学技术大学数学系,本科
09/2013-现在 jbo竞博电竞官方网站,教授,数据科学研究所所长,
09/2011-12/2013 美国密西根大学医学院,研究员(research investigator)
06/2009-8/2011 美国密西根大学医学院,博士后(postdoctoral research fellow)
8/2005-5/2009 美国雪城大学数学系,博士 Advisor:许跃生,雪城大学,数学系
Co-advisor:Andrzej Krol,纽约州立大学上州医学院, (SUNY Upstate Medical University)放射学系
6/2009-8/2011 美国密西根大学医学院,博士后(postdoctoral research fellow)
9/2011-12/2013 美国密西根大学医学院,研究员(research investigator)
04/2011 | Susan Komen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (KG111223,$180,000/3 years, early terminated by status change) |
04/2013 | Award from Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts, Department of Organization, China (RMB 2,000,000/3 years, about $320,000/3 years, PI) |
09/2013 | Award from Hundreds Talents Program of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China (RMB 3,000,000/3 years, about $480,000/3 years, PI) |
01/2015 | Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (11401601, RMB 220,000/3 years, about $73,000/3years, PI) |
06/2015 | Guangdong Province Frontier and Key Technology Innovative Grant (2015B010110003, RMB 5,000,000/3 years, about $830,000/3years, Co-PI, 30%) |
04/2016 | Cultivating Fund for China Department of Education Key Grant (20166700041050011, RMB 400,000/1 year, about $61,000/1 year, PI) |
01/2016 | Guangdong Province Frontier and Key Technology Innovative Grant (2016B030307003, RMB 5,000,000/3 years, about $830,000/3years, PI) |
01/2016 | Guangzhou Cooperative and Creative Key Grant (201604020003, RMB 8,000,000/3years, about $1,230,000/3 years, Co-PI, 14%) |
10/2015 | Guangdong Province Applied Science and Technology Research Grant (2015B020233008, RMB 5,000,000/3 years, about $830,000/3years, Co-PI, 12%) |
04/2016 | Cultivating Fund for China Department of Education Key Grant (20166700041050011, RMB 400,000/1 year, about $61,000/1 year, PI) |
01/2016 | Guangdong Province Frontier and Key Technology Innovative Grant (2016B030307003, RMB 5,000,000/3 years, about $830,000/3years, PI) |
01/2016 | Guangzhou Cooperative and Creative Key Grant (201604020003, RMB 8,000,000/3years, about $1,230,000/3 years, Co-PI, 14%) |
09/2016 | National Science and Technology Key Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFB0200602, RMB 9,820,000/5 years, about $1,510,000/5 years, member, 5%) |
01/2017 | Guangzhou Science and Technology Creative Key Grant (2017B020210001, RMB 1,000,000/3years, about $150,000/3 years Co-PI, 30%) |
12/2018 | National Science and Technology Key Grant of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2018YFC1704206, RMB 870,000/3years, about $129,000/3years, PI) |
01/2019 | Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (81830052, RMB 2,940,000/5years, about $438,000/3years, Co-PI ) |
01/2020 | Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (81971691, RMB 550,000/4years, about $77,230/4years, PI) |
01/2022 | Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (12126610, RMB 1,000,000/2years, about $140,430/2years, PI) |
04/2023 | Guangzhou Key Research and Development Plan Project (2023B03J1237, RMB 1,000,000/3years, about $140,430/3years, Co-PI) |
03/2024 | National Key Research and Development Plan Grant of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2023YFE0204300, RMB 2,000,000/2years, about $280,860/2years, PI) |
01/2024 | Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (62371476, RMB 490,000/4years, about $68,800/4years, PI) |
- jbo竞博电竞官方网站附属第五医院 兼职教授
- 华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室PI
- 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心客座教授
- 上海健康医学院客座教授
- 南方医科大学客座教授
- 中国图形图像学会医学影像专委会委员
- 中国生物医学工程学会医学人工智能学会委员
- 中国信息协会医疗卫生与健康产业分会医学人工智能学组 副主委
- 中国信息产业商会人工智能分会 委员
- 国际学术期刊Bio Integration 编委
- 国际学术期刊EETE 编委
- 全国核心期刊《计算数学》客座编委
- 广东省高性能计算学会副理事长(法人)
- 广东省医疗行业协会超声医学创新与发展管理分会副主委
- 广东省大数据安全与服务工程技术研究中心学术委员会委员
- 广东省生物超算与健康产业大数据应用联盟专家委员会委员
- 广东省软组织生物制造工程实验室技术委员会委员
- 广东省生物医学工程学会委员
- 广东省生物医学工程学会智能介入医学分会副主委
- 广东省科协精准医学学会企业联合体副主席
- Tianyi Wang, Haimei Chen, Zebin Chen, Mingkai Li, Yao Lu. Prediction model of early recurrence of multimodal hepatocellular carcinoma with tensor fusion. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2024, 69:125003. (期刊论文)
- Gongfa Jiang, Zilong He, Yuanpin Zhou, Jun Wei, Yuesheng Xu, Hui Zeng, Jiefang Wu, Genggeng Qin, Weiguo Chen, Yao Lu. Multi-scale cascaded networks for synthesis of mammogram to decrease intensity distortion and increase model-based perceptual similarity. Medical Physics, 2023, 50(2):837-853. (期刊论文)
- Yue Li, Zilong He, Xiangyuan Ma, Weixiong Zeng, Jialing Liu, Weimin Xu, Zeyuan Xu, Sina Wang, Chanjuan Wen, Hui Zeng, Jiefang Wu, Weiguo Chen, Yao Lu. Architectural distortion detection based on superior–inferior directional context and anatomic prior knowledge in digital breast tomosynthesis. Medical Physics. 2022, 49(6): 3749–3768.
- G. Jiang, J. Wei, Y. Xu, Z. He, H. Zeng, J. Wu, G. Qin, W. Chen and Y. Lu. Synthesis of Mammogram from Digital Breast Tomosynthesis using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Gradient Guided cGANs. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021. (期刊论文)
- Meini Tang, Yao Lu and Lingling Yang, Temporal-spatial Patterns in dynamic Functional Brain Network for Self-paced Hand Movement. IEEE transactions on neural systems&rehabilitation engineering, 2019, 27(4):643~651. (期刊论文)
- Sha Yu; Yao Lu; Derek Molloy, A Dynamic-Shape-Prior Guided Snake Model with Application in Visually Tracking Dense Cell Populations , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28: 1513~1527 (期刊论文)
- Yao Lu; Heang-Ping Chan; Jun Wei; Hadjiiski Lubomir M; Samala RaviK, Improving image quality for digital breast tomosynthesis: an automated detection and diffusion-based method for metal artifact reduction , Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2017.10.7, 62(19): 7765~7783 (期刊论文)
- Yao Lu, Heang-Ping Chan; Jun Wei; Hadjiiski Lubomir M; Samala RaviK, Multiscale bilateral filtering for improving image quality in digital breast tomosynthesis , Medical Physics, 2015.1, 42(1): 182~195 (期刊论文)
- Yao Lu; Heang-Ping Chan; Jun Wei; Hadjiiski, Lubomir M, A diffusion-based truncated projection artifact reduction method for iterative digital breast tomosynthesis reconstruction , Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013.2.7, 58(3): 569~587 (期刊论文)