办公电话: 020-39336519
联系邮箱: tzhij@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2003年获湘潭大学数学系计算数学专业理学硕士学位,师从黄云清教授;2005年3月-2005年8月访问北京大学数学系张平文院士;2005年11月获香港浸会大学数学系哲学博士学位,师从汤涛院士;2005年新加坡国立大学做Research Fellow;2010 年获jbo竞博电竞官方网站“百人计划”引进回国;2011 年获首批广州“珠江科技新星”;2012 年获广东省“千百十工程”培养对象,为首批广东省首批引进创新科研团队“计算科学科研团队”核心成员,为“广东省计算科学重点实验室”核心成员。
主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金、重大研究计划培育及多项面上等国家自然科学基金项目;主持了多项广东省自然科学基金面上项目;主持了广州“珠江科技新星” 专项资助项目、教育部博士点基金项目、高校基本科研业务费“重点培育项目” 和 “重大项目培育和新兴交叉学科资助计划项目 ”等项目,作为核心成员参与科技部重点研发计划项目:高性能计算重点专项“适应于E级计算的可计算物理建模与新型计算方法”项目、科技部科技创新 2030-“新一代人工智能(2030)”重大项目“人工智能科学计算共性平台” 项目以及广东省重点领域研发计划“芯片, 软件与计算” 重大专项“高性能多物理场仿真算法及软件”项目。长期从事科学计算、计算流体力学和PDE与分数阶PDE数值算法等领域研究,并在移动网格、界面问题、相场方法、分数阶PDE及人工智能与深度学习等方面作出了一系列工作,已在SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,Journal of Scientific Computing,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Journal of Computational Physics, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Engineering With Computers, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Chemical Engineering Science等国际权威期刊上发表论文近80篇。
(1)界面问题,PDE及分数阶PDE数值算法 (传统计算方法、AI算法);
【27】Zhuohao Sun, Yiqiao Qiu, Zhijun Tan, Weishi Zheng, and Ruixuan Wang, Classifier-Head Informed Feature Masking and Out-of-Distribution Detection,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 34, NO. 7, JULY 2024.
【26】Zhengjin Xu, Kanghao Chen, Wei-Shi Zheng, Zhijun Tan, Xiaobo Yang, Ruixuan Wang, Expert with Outlier Exposure for Continual Learning of New Diseases, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2022.
【25】 Weicai Ye, Hao Wu, Zhijun Tan, Qingsong Zou. An Adaptive Time stepping Algorithm and Its Application to Platelet Aggregation Simulation, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, IEEE ISPA 2021, 1360-1369.
【24】Weiyi Wang, Zhijun Tan, A simple augmented IIM for 3D incompressible two-phase Stokes flows with interfaces and singular forces,Computer Physics Communications 270 (2022),108154.
【23】Zhijun Tan, Kang Li, Yanping Chen, A fully discrete two-grid finite element method for nonlinear hyperbolic integro-differential equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 413 (2022), 126596.
【22】Yangwen Hu, Zhehao Zhong, Ruixuan Wang, Hongmei Liu, Zhijun Tan, Wei-Shi Zheng, Data Augmentation in Logit Space for Medical Image Classification with Limited Training Data, MICCAI 2021: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2021 pp 469-479.
【21】Weiyi Wang, Zhijun Tan, A Simple 3D Immersed Interface Method for the Stokes Equations with Singular Forces on Staggered Grids, Communications in Computational Physics, 30, 227-254(2021).
【20】 Zhijun Tan, Kang Li,Yanping Chen,Two-Grid Finite Element Methods of Crank-Nicolson Galerkin Approximation for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 10, 800-817 (2020).
【19】 Shubo Zhao, Xufeng Xiao, Zhijun Tan, and Xinlong Feng,Two types of spurious oscillations at layers diminishing methods for convection-diffusion-reaction equations on surface,Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications,74(7), 1-18 (2018)
【18】 Daozhi Han, Alex Brylev, Xiaofeng Yang, Zhijun Tan, Numerical analysis of second order, fully discrete energy stable schemes for phase field models of two-phase incompressible flows, Journal of Scientific Computing 70,965-989 (2017).
【17】 Ning Li, Zhijun Tan, Xinlong Feng, Novel two-level discretization method for high dimensional semilinear elliptic problems base on RBF-FD scheme, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 72, 349–360 (2017).
【16】 B. Wang, K.C. Khoo, Z.Q. Xie, Zhijun Tan, Fast Centroidal Voronoi Delaunay Triangulation for unstructured mesh generation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 280, 158-173 (2015).
【15】Duc-Vinh Le and Zhijun Tan, Hydrodynamic interaction of elastic capsules in bounded shear flow, Communications in Computational Physics 16, 1031-1055( 2014).
【14】Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, K.M. Lim, B.C. Khoo,An Immersed Interface Method for the Simulation of Inextensible Interfaces in Viscous Fluids ,Communications in Computational Physics 11, 925-950 (2012).
【13】 Zhijun Tan,A decoupled augmented IIM strategy for incompressible two-phase flows with interfaces on irregular domains ,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 88 ,924-950 (2011).
【12】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Implementation of MAC grid-based IIM-Stokes Solver for Incompressible Two-phase Flows, Communications in Computational Physics 10, 1333-1362 (2011).
【11】 P.G. Jayathilake, G. Liu, Zhijun Tan and B.C. Khoo, Numerical study of a permeable capsule under Stokes flows by the immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 66, 2080-2090 (2011).
【10】 Zhijun Tan, Y.Wang and D.S.Wang, A Jacobian-free-based IIM for Incompressible Flows Involving Moving Interfaces with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 83, 508-536 (2010).
【9】 P.G. Jayathilake, B.C. Khoo and Zhijun Tan, Effect of membrane permeability on capsule substrate adhesion: Computation using immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 3567-3578 (2010).
【8】 D.V. Le and Zhijun Tan, Large deformation of liquid capsules enclosed by thin shells immersed in the fluid, Journal of Computational Physics 229, 4097-4116 (2010).
【7】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Stokes Flows with Fixed/Moving Interfaces and Rigid Boundaries, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6855-6881 (2009).
【6】 Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Discontinuous Viscosity Across the Interface, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31, 1798-1819 (2009).
【5】 Y. Wang, S.H. Song, Zhijun Tan and D.S. Wang , Adaptive Curve Smoothing Based on Level Set Method, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6333-6348 (2009).
【4】 Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, Zhilin Li, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flows with Piecewise Constant Viscosity Across a Moving Elastic Membrane, Journal of Computational Physics 227, 9955-9983 (2008).
【3】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo,An Adaptive Mesh Redistribution Method for the Incompressible Mixture Flows Using Phase-Field Model, Journal of Computational Physics 225, 1137-1158 (2007).
【2】Zhijun Tan, T. Tang and Z.-R. Zhang, A Simple Moving Mesh Method for One- and Two- Dimensional Phase-Field Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 190, 252-269 (2006).
【1】 Zhijun Tan, Z.-R. Zhang, Y.-Q. Huang and T. Tang, Moving Mesh Methods with Locally Varying Time Steps, Journal of Computational Physics 200, 347-367 (2004).