

联系邮箱: ericwangqing@gmail.com

个人主页: https://www.visualcv.com/ericwangqing


Ph.D. in Computer Science and Member of SIGCHI, experienced researcher on Blockchain, Human Computer Interaction, User Experience, Software  Engineering, Software Architecture, and Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence .

Over fifteen years experience in the design and development of application programs. Proficient in JEE and Modern Web technologies. Seasoned in software project management, especially in Agile and XP software processes and best practices. Well-versed in the knowledge of various programming languages with strong analytical, problem solving skills and solid work experience in versatile corporate environments.

Designing Web 2.0 Programming course, and teaching on Modern Web Programming, Software Engineering, and Software Analysis and Design (School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University)




  • June 2014, 7th Teaching Achievement Award of Guangdong Province
  • Nov. 2013, First Class Prize of Annual Teaching Achievement Award of Sun Yat-sen University
  • Dec. 2011,Google Faculty Award (one of 15 teachers all over China, 20,000 RMB)
  • Nov. 2010, Google Research / Education Award (one of 12 projects all over the world, 53,860 USD)
  • April. 2010, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010), Best Paper Honorable Mention Award
  • Nov. 2008, Second Class Prize of Annual Teaching Achievement Award of Sun Yat-sen University
  • Nov. 2006, Champion of 2006 IBM SOA Innovative Application Contest of China University  (10,000 RMB)
  • Sep. 2007, Excellent Mentor Award on software engineering training program for undergraduate student of Sun Yat-sen University
  • June 2007, Outstanding Achievement Award for student of Sun Yat-sen University
  • Nov. 2006, Guanghua Educational Scholarship for postgraduate student of Sun Yat-sen University


  1. Web 2.0 程序设计
  2. C++程序设计
  3. 系统分析与设计
  4. 软件设计综合实验
  5. 软件工程实训


  1. Guangrun Wang, Liang Lin*, Shengyong Ding, Ya Li, and Qing Wang, "DARI: Distance metric And Representation Integration for Person Verification", Proc. of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016.
  2. Xionghao Liu, Wei Yang, Liang Lin, Qing Wang, Zhaoquan Cai, Jian-Huang Lai, "Data-Driven Scene Understanding with Adaptively Retrieved Exemplars", IEEE Multimedia (MM), 22(3): 82-92, 2015.
  3. Tao Lin, Liang Lin*, and Qing Wang, "Robust Stroke-based Video Animation via Layered Motion and Correspondence", Proc. of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2012.
  4. Wang, Q., et al. Enhancing group awareness on the web: Prototype and experiments of sharing web page visitation information among teammates. Interact. Comput. (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2012.05.006 (SCI indexed, IF 1.233, 5-year IF 1.455)
  5. Wang, Q., and Chang, H. Group Crumb: Sharing Web Navigation by Visualizing Group Traces on the Web. 2011 European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW'11) .
  6. Wang, Q. and Chang, H. Multitasking Bar: Prototype and Evaluation of Introducing the Task Concept into a Browser. 2010 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010, Acceptance rate 22%. Best Paper Honorable Mention Award. Awarded top 5% of accepted papers.)
  7. Wang, Q., Chen, X., and Chang, H. Project Based Software Development Training in Undergraduate Education of Software Engineering. Proceedings of  5th China - Europe International Symposium on Software Industry Oriented Education (CEISIE' 09) .
  8. Wang, Q. and Chang, H. Unified Web Component Model with Accordance API and UI. Proceedings of  2007 Symposium on Information, Electronics, and Control Technologies (IECT' 2007) .
  9. He, S., Wang, Q., and Chang, H. Component Based ERP Software Development Methodology. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software & Applications (I-ESA' 09) .
  10. Zhang, P., He, S., Wang, Q., and Chang, H. BSMDR: A B/S UI Framework Based on MDR. In Enterprise Interoperability III. 2008, 665-677.