

办公电话: 学院A524

联系邮箱: wangtao29@mail.sysu.edu.cn




[本科/硕士/博士招生通告] 有意保送或报考jbo竞博电竞官方网站硕士生和博士生的同学,以及对科研有较强兴趣的本科生,欢迎与本人联系加入实验室,来信请附上 "个人简历" 以及本科/硕士期间 "成绩单",以供参考。此外,近年也推荐同学获得中国科学院、苏黎世联邦理工、帝国理工、伦敦大学学院、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、芝加哥大学、纽约大学、约翰斯·霍普金斯、南加大、新加坡国立等单位的读研与深造机会。




  • 2006.08-2011.08,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学数学系/PennState-Math,数学/博士;
  • 2002.09-2006.07,中国科学技术大学少年班学院/USTC-SCGY,数学与应用数学/学士;


  • 2018.09 至今,jbo竞博电竞官方网站/SYSU-SDCS,副教授、博士生导师、jbo竞博电竞官方网站“百人计划”引进人才;


  • 2012.02-2018.09,美国康奈尔大学/Cornell-ECE,访问科学家及博士后研究员;
  • 2011.10-2011.12,美国宾夕法尼亚立大学/PennState-Math,博士后研究助理;


  • 2020-,广东省重点领域研发计划,广东省自然科学基金;
  • 2023-,科技部国家重点研发计划;


  • IEEE-PES数字电网技术委员会(中国),常务理事;
  • 中国仿真技术产业联盟,理事单位代表及联盟理事;


  • 本科生:《数值分析/数值计算方法》、《常微分方程》、《面向领域的并行数值方法》、《数学分析》、《复变函数》、《文科数学》等;
  • 研究生:《现代偏微分方程计算方法》等;


(I) FFHE/"风和"数值方法体系及其工程应用研究

  • - Y. Zhang, M. Wang, W. Huang, J. Li, W. Zhang, and Tao Wang, A new HEAP-inspired method for embedded power flows and path-related holomorphic properties, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.155, no. 109593, pp.1-12, 2024. (中科院二区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者/学生一作)
  • - W. Zhang, Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, A novel FFHE-inspired method for large power system static stability computation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.37, no.1, pp.726-737, 2022. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者/学生一作)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, Theoretical study of non-iterative holomorphic embedding methods for solving nonlinear power flow equations: Algebraic property, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.36, no.4, pp.2934-2945, 2021. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, On the holomorphic and conjugate properties for holomorphic embedding methods for solving power flow equations, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.35, no.4, pp.2506-2515, 2020. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - H. D. Chiang, Tao Wang, and H. Sheng, A novel fast and flexible holomorphic embedding method for power flow problems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no.3, pp.2551-2562, 2018. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • # H. D. Chiang and Tao Wang, Processing platform with holomorphic embedding functionality for power control and other applications, Publ. No. US 20200050159 A1, Feb. 13, 2020. (发明专利)
  • # H. D. Chiang, B. Wang, Tao Wang, R. Tanabe, Smart power flow solvers for smart power grids, Publ. No. US 20170177016 A1, Jun 22, 2017. (发明专利) 


(II) SAWDI/"硕岱"蔓延控制分析及自动仿真调度系统研究

  • - Tao Wang, An equivalence theorem on minimum sheltering speed for non-convex habitats, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, vol.26, pp.531-560, 2018.
  • - Tao Wang, Dynamic sheltering problems and an existence theorem for admissible strategies, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, vol.22, pp.391-446, 2014.
  • - Tao Wang, Optimality conditions for a blocking strategy involving delaying arcs, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol.152, pp.307-333, 2012.
  • - A. Bressan and Tao Wang, On the optimal strategy for an isotropic blocking problem, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol.45, pp.125-145, 2012. 
  • - A. Bressan and Tao Wang, Global optimality conditions for a dynamic blocking problem, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol.18, pp.124-156, 2012. 
  • - A. Bressan and Tao Wang, Equivalent formulation and numerical analysis of a fire confinement problem, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol.16, pp.974-1001, 2010. 
  • - A. Bressan and Tao Wang, The minimum speed for a blocking problem on the half plane, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol.356, pp.133-144, 2009.


(III) 其他电力仿真、数据分析、最优化等研究

  • - L. Huang, B. Sun, M. Wang, Tao Wang, W. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, On a planar six-neighbor theorem and its application, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol.523, no. 127020, pp.1-15, 2023. (共同一作)
  • - Y. Zhang, H. D. Chiang, and Tao Wang, A novel Trust-Tech-enabled Trajectory-Unified methodology for computing multiple optimal solutions of constrained nonlinear optimization: Theory and computation, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.52, no.1, pp.473-484, 2022. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文)
  • - L. Zeng, H. D. Chiang, and Tao WangA pairwise convex hull approach for effective representation of uncertainty for system analysis and its application to power grids, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol.68, no.7, pp.2498-2502, 2021. (中科院二区/Top期刊论文)
  • - H. Cai, K. Hamm, L. Huang, J. Li, and Tao Wang, Rapid robust principal component analysis: CUR accelerated inexact low rank estimation, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.28, pp.116-120, 2021. (共同一作)
  • - H. D. Chiang and Tao Wang, On the existence of and lower bounds for the number of optimal power flow solutions, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.34, no.3, pp.1116-1126, 2019. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - H. D. Chiang and Tao Wang, Novel homotopy theory for nonlinear networks and systems and its applications to electrical grids, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol.5 no.3, pp.1051-1060, 2018. (通讯作者)
  • - L. X. Huang and Tao Wang, On the number of neighbors in normal tiling, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, vol.31, no.1, pp.240-253, 2017. (通讯作者)
  • - X. Z. Wang, Tao Wang, H. D. Chiang and J. H. Wang, A framework for dynamic stability analysis of power systems with volatile wind power, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol.7, no.3, pp.422-431, 2017. (中科院二区期刊论文)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, On the number of unstable equilibrium points on spatially-periodic stability boundary, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.61, no.9, pp.2553-2558, 2016. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, On the number of system separations in electric power systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, I, vol. 63, no. 5, pp.661-670, 2016. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - H. D. Chiang and Tao WangOn the number and types of unstable equilibria in nonlinear dynamical systems with uniformly-bounded stability regions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 2, pp.485-490, 2016. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - X. Z. Wang, H. D. Chiang, J. H. Wang, H. Liu and Tao Wang, Long-term stability analysis of power systems with wind power based on stochastic differential equations: model development and foundations, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.6, no.4, pp.1534-1542, 2015. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, Neighboring stable equilibrium points in spatially-periodic nonlinear dynamical systems: Theory and applications, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.60, no.9, pp.2390-2401, 2015. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - H. D. Chiang and Tao Wang, A novel Trust-Tech guided Branch-and-Bound method for nonlinear integer programming, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.45, no.10, pp.1361-1372, 2015. (中科院一区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)
  • - Tao Wang and H. D. Chiang, On the global convergence of a class of homotopy methods for nonlinear circuits and systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol.61, no.11, pp.900-904, 2014. (中科院二区/Top期刊论文,通讯作者)