联系邮箱: zhaosh56@mail.sysu.edu.cn
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赵帅,jbo竞博电竞官方网站“百人计划”引进副教授, 本科(2008-2012)毕业于西安工业大学,硕士(2013-2014)、博士(2014-2018)毕业于英国约克大学。博士毕业后任英国约克大学jbo竞博电竞官方网站博士后(2018-2022),并于2022年9月加入jbo竞博电竞官方网站。赵帅主要从事嵌入式实时系统、操作系统、安全关键编程语言等领域的理论与应用研究,专注复杂实时系统设计与分析、多核系统资源共享、硬软件协同设计与寻优、安全关键编程等具体研究方向,致力于为各类高自动化、智能化系统提供高可靠、高性能、硬实时的计算与通讯保障。相关工作发表在DAC、RTSS与IEEE Trans. TDPS、TC、TCAD等国际顶级会议与期刊,获得约克大学海外研究生奖及多次最佳论文奖/提名,并指导学生获得三次国家级竞赛奖项。
- 复杂实时系统设计与分析:系统任务间普遍存在大量的执行依赖关系(如有向无环图DAG任务),对实时系统设计与时间验证带来巨大挑战,研究方向包括DAG任务调度、DAG任务分配、DAG任务响应时间分析等。
- 系统资源管理与共享:致力于突破实时系统因资源共享问题造成的实时性与计算性能瓶颈,研究方向包括资源共享协议、资源感知的任务分配、资源感知优先级排序、响应时间分析等。
- 软硬件协同设计与寻优:研究方向包括软硬件设计方案合成与联合寻优框架、基于Ethernet的时间敏感通讯、系统动态配置与寻优方法等。
- 机器人控制:研究方向包括机器人控制语言、包括基于视觉的抓取等。
基于视觉的物体抓取 面向复杂场景下的移动机器人导航与抓取
- 2014/10 – 2018/08,约克大学,计算机科学,博士
- 2013/10 – 2014/10,约克大学,计算机科学,硕士
- 2008/09 – 2012/07,西安工业大学,计算机科学与技术,学士
- 2022-09 至 今,jbo竞博电竞官方网站,jbo竞博电竞官方网站,副教授(Assoicate Professor)
- 2019-11 至 2022-09,约克大学,jbo竞博电竞官方网站,博士后(Research Assoicate)
- 2018-10 至 2019-11,约克大学,jbo竞博电竞官方网站,博士后(Research Assoicate)
- 2016-04 至 2016-07,约克大学,jbo竞博电竞官方网站,研究助理(Research Assistant)
- IEEE 45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS, CCF-A), 2024, 杰出论文奖 (Outstanding Paper)
- IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2024, 最佳论文奖 (Best Paper)
- IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technology and Embedded Systems (ICITES), 2023, 最佳论文奖 (Best Paper)
- IEEE 28th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS, CCF-B), 2022, 最佳论文提名
- Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD, CCF-B), 2020, 最佳论文提名
- Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE, CCF-B), 2020, 最佳论文提名
- Departmental Oversea Research Student Award (海外研究生奖),2015,英国约克大学
- 2023年CCF移动机器人抓取和导航挑战赛,全国一等奖(唯一,奖金一万美元)(指导教师,与崔明月老师联合指导)
- 2023年全国大学生计算机系统能力大赛操作系统赛功能挑战赛,全国二等奖(奖金一万元)(获优秀指导教师,与黎卫兵老师联合指导)
- 2024年全国大学生计算机系统能力大赛操作系统赛功能挑战赛,全国三等奖(奖金五千元)(获优秀指导教师,与黎卫兵老师联合指导)
- 2024年粤港澳大湾区IT应用系统开发大赛,一等奖、技术创新先锋奖(与黎卫兵老师联合指导)
- 教育部第一批海外引才专项,2024.06~2027.06,项目负责人。
- 广东省珠江人才青年拔尖项目,2025.01~2028.01,项目负责人。
- 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2024.12~2027.11,排2,课题负责人。
- 国家重点研发计划子课题,2023.11~2026.10,子课题负责人。
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 2024.01~2026.12,项目负责人。
- 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01~2026.12,项目负责人。
- 广州市科技计划青年博士“启航”项目,2024.01~2025.12,项目负责人。
- jbo竞博电竞官方网站“百人计划”项目,2023.01-2025.12,项目负责人。
- CCF-华为胡杨林基金系统软件专项,2023.07~2024.06,项目负责人。
- 中央高校基本科研业务费专项青年教师培育项目,2023.01~2023.12,项目负责人。
- DCS290《编译原理》,本科课程,讲述计算机语言编译的工作流程及其理论与技术方法。
- DCS292《编译器构造实验》,本科课程,对《编译原理》课程中理论与技术的实践应用。
- DCS5218《嵌入式系统》,硕士研究生课程,讲述嵌入式系统的设计理论,技术方法等。
- Shuai Zhao, Hanzhi Xu, Nan Chen, Ruoxian Su, Wanli Chang;“FRAP: A Flexible Resource Accessing Protocol for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems”, 45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, York, UK, 2024 (RTSS, CCF A, 杰出论文奖)
- Zhe Jiang, Shuai Zhao*, Ran Wei, Xin Si, Gang Chen, Nan Guan;“ROTA-I/O: Hardware/Algorithm Co-design for Real-Time I/O Control with Improved Timing Accuracy and Robustness”, 45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, York, UK, 2024 (RTSS, CCF A)
- Zhe Jiang; Shuai Zhao*; Ran Wei; Yiyang Gao; Jing Li; “A Cache/Algorithm Co-design for Parallel Real-Time Systems with Data Dependency on Multi/Many-core System-on-Chips,” 61th Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, US, 2024. (DAC, CCF A)
- Yuanhai Zhang, Shuai Zhao*, Gang Chen, Haoyu Luo, Kai Huan; “Timing-accurate scheduling and allocation for parallel I/O operations in real-time systems,”Journal of Systems Architecture, 2024. (JSA, CCF B)
- Hanzhi Xu, Ruoxian Su, Jieyu Jiang, Meixuan Zhang, Shuai Zhao*; “New Response Time Analysis for PWLP on Multiprocessor Mixed-Criticality Systems,” IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2024. (最佳论文奖)
- Shuai Zhao; Nan Chen; Yinjie Fang; Zhao Li; Wanli Chang; “A universal method for task allocation on FP-FPS multiprocessor systems with spin locks,” 60th Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, US, 2023. (DAC, CCF A)
- Shuai Zhao; Xiaotian Dai; Benjamin Lesage; Iain Bate; “Cache-Aware Allocation of Parallel Jobs on Multi-cores based on Learned Recency,” Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Dortmund, Germany, 2023, 177-187. (RTNS)
- Zhe Jiang; Xiaotian Dai; Ran Wei; Ian Gray; Zonghua Gu; Qingling Zhao; Shuai Zhao; “NPRC-I/O: A NoC-based Real-Time I/O System with Reduced Contention and Enhanced Predictability,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 42(12), pp. 4629-4642, 2023. (TCAD, CCF A)
- Nan Chen; Shuai Zhao; Ian Gray; Alan Burns; Siyuan Ji; Wanli Chang; “Precise response time analysis for multiple DAG tasks with intra-task priority assignment,” IEEE 29th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, San Antonio, US, 2023. (RTAS, CCF B)
- Shuai Zhao; Xiaotian Dai; Iain Bate; “DAG scheduling and analysis on multi-core systems by modelling parallelism and dependency,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022, 33(12), pp. 4019-4038. (TPDS, CCF A)
- Nan Chen; Shuai Zhao; Ian Gray; Alan Burns; Siyuan Ji; Wanli Chang; “MSRP-FT: Reliable resource sharing on multiprocessor mixed-criticality systems,” 28th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Milano, Italy, 2022. (RTAS, CCF B, 最佳论文提名)
- Wanli Chang; Shuai Zhao; Simon Burton; Haitong Wang; Ting Chen; Nan Chen; Neil Audsley; “Invited: Hardware/software co-synthesis and co-optimization for autonomous systems,” Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, US, 2021. (DAC, CCF A)
- Zhe Jiang; Shuai Zhao*; Ran Wei*; Dawei Yang; Richard Paterson; Nan Guan; Yan Zhuang; Neil Audsly; “Bridging the pragmatic gaps for mixed-criticality systems in the automotive industry,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 41(4), pp. 1116-1129, 2021. (TCAD, CCF A)
- Shuai Zhao; Xiaotian Dai; Iain Bate; Alan Burns; Wanli Chang;“DAG scheduling and analysis on multiprocessor systems: exploitation of parallelism and dependency,” Real-Time Systems Symposium, Houston, US, 2020. (RTSS, CCF A)
- Shuai Zhao; Zhe Jiang; Xiaotian Dai; Iain Bate; Ibrahim Habli; Wanli Chang; “Timing-accurate general-purpose I/O for multi-and many-core systems: scheduling and hardware support,” 57th Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, US, 2020. (DAC, CCF A)
- Shuai Zhao; Wanli Chang; Ran Wei; Weichen Liu; Nan Guan; Alan Burns; Andy Wellings; “Priority assignment on partitioned multiprocessor systems with shared resources,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020, 70(7), pp. 1006-1018. (TC, CCF A)
- Shuai Zhao; Jorge Garrido; Ran Wei; Alan Burns; Andy Wellings; Juan A. de la Puente; “A complete run-time overhead-aware schedulability analysis for MrsP under nested resources,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 159, pp. 110449, 2020. (JSS, CCF B)
- Xiaotian Dai; Shuai Zhao; Yu Jiang; Xun Jiao; Xiaobo Sharon Hu; Wanli Chang; “Fixed-priority scheduling and controller co-design for time-sensitive networks,” Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, New York, US, 2020. (ICCAD, CCF B, 最佳论文提名)
- Wanli Chang; Debayan Roy; Shuai Zhao; Anuradha Annaswamy; Samarjit Chakraborty; “CPS-oriented modeling and control of traffic signals using adaptive back pressure,” Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, 2020. (DATE, CCF B, 最佳论文提名)
- Zhe Jiang; Shuai Zhao*; Pan Dong*; Dawei Yang; Ran Wei; Nan Guan; Neil Audsley; “Re-thinking mixed-criticality architecture for automotive industry,” 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design, Hartford, US, 2020. (ICCD, CCF B)